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Union Manager: Local Union©
Union Manager: JATC©
Electronic Payroll Reporting
Electronic Filing
Test Manager©
ISA’s Mission Statement
& Vision

Integrated Software Applications, Inc., develops the most comprehensive union management software for Local Unions throughout the United States and Canada. The company is centrally located in Colorado to better service the Building Trades Local Unions, JATCs and Trust Fund offices. Our customers include the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; United Association of Plumbers, Pipefitters, Refrigeration Mechanics, and Sprinkler Fitters; Sheet Metal Workers International Association; International Union of Painters and Allied Trades; United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers, and Allied Workers; and the Office and Professional Employees International Union. Discover how ISA's HIPAA compliant products can offer seamless communication between your business office, membership, employers, and third party administrators. |